Monday, February 15, 2021

New Training Sessions!

New Technology Trainings sessions
February - March.

Topics are listed in order of offering.

Click the calendar icon on the right for
dates and times. 

Canvas NEW Quizzes (1.5 Hours) Virtual: Faculty

Canvas New Quizzes are currently an assessment option, but will be the only option beginning summer 2022. This session will provide an Overview of New Quizzes and the differences between Classic Quizzes. Participants will build a New Quiz in their sandbox highlighting new question types. New Quiz settings, SpeedGrader and reports will be covered, as well as how to moderate a quiz for accommodation requests.

NOTE: Canvas Intro is a prerequisite to this session & Canvas Grades is recommended

Canvas Introduction Online (3 Hours): Faculty
Session Begins: February 22nd

Canvas Intro is a prerequisite for Canvas Grades, all advanced Canvas sessions, Canvas Design Clinics and TOTAL. Canvas Introduction Online provides all content on the following topics as they pertain to Reynolds: Canvas Overview, Course Navigation, Course Essentials, Assignments, Modules, Publishing & Grades and Account Settings. Online sessions are delivered asynchronously through Canvas. This Canvas session is self-paced over a 4-day period and takes approximately 2.5 - 3.0 hours to complete. Faculty who score 80% will receive 3 hours of Professional Development credit.

Video Conferencing with Zoom (1.5 Hours): Faculty & Staff
Session Begins: February 22nd

Zoom is the dominant video conferencing source to communicate with students, faculty and staff. This training will be delivered both asynchronously and synchronously. Asynchronous Portion: Content will be available in Canvas over a 3-day period and covers Zoom Access, Meeting Controls (Participant & Host), Web Portal, Scheduling and Best Practices. This portion is self-paced, takes less than 1.5 hours to complete and is required to participate in the synchronous (live) portion of training. Synchronous Portion: Live 1 hour Zoom session: Participants must appear on video and will be asked to demonstrate knowledge obtained in previous portion of session. They will also be asked to perform certain functions by trainers. Sessions will be capped at 12 participants who will receive 3 hours of Professional Development credit.


OneDrive (2 Hours) Virtual: Faculty & Staff 

All college employees have access to Microsoft OneDrive through our Office365 accounts. OneDrive offers users a simple way to store, sync and share multiple file types with others, create libraries and access through multiple devices. This session will also cover the use of Office Suite in the browser environment. Explore this hands-on training session to learn more.

NOTE: You will use your email account to access OneDrive.

Canvas Grades (2 Hours) Virtual: Faculty 

According to Reynolds Policy 2-16, all faculty are expected to provide student grades using the Grades tool in Canvas. Learn the features of the Gradebook when creating and grading assignments, classic quizzes and discussions. SpeedGrader and Analytics will also be covered.

NOTE: Canvas Intro is a prerequisite to this session 

Canvas Grades Advanced (1.5 Hours) Virtual: Faculty

This advanced session will dive deeper into the Canvas Gradebook features. Some of the featured topics include; Rubrics, Analytics, Learning Mastery, Posting and Grading Policies and Quiz Banks. Since this session is virtual, we will be taking a “flipped training” approach. Participants will be provided with “homework” which is expected to be completed prior to attending session.

NOTE: Canvas Intro is a prerequisite to this session. Canvas Grades is recommended but not required.

Zoom Advanced (1.5 Hours) Virtual: Faculty& Staff

Take your Zoom skills to the next level! This session covers advanced settings, found in both the Zoom App and Zoom Web Portal; recording, including sharing, downloading, transcriptions, and security settings. Also covered will be best practices for creating and scheduling virtual office hours.

NOTE: ‘Video Conferencing with Zoom’ is not required prior to this session, although would be helpful.

Google Drive and Docs (2 Hours) Virtual: Faculty & Staff

Google Drive is a file storage, sharing and collaboration service provided with your VCCS email account. This session will cover creating files and folders, file editing, formatting, sharing, and collaboration. Other features include commenting and the chat window, revision history, “Explore’ and the similarities and differences of Microsoft documents. All faculty, staff and students have unlimited cloud storage on Google drive making it easy to store content and share files.

NOTE: Ensure you are able to log into MyReynolds PRIOR to attending this session!

TTS Drop-in Sessions {Pilot}: Faculty & Staff

These 1-hour open sessions are topic centered and designed to assist you with questions regarding software applications used at Reynolds. During our pilot sessions scheduled for March 18th and 19th, we will focus on applications included in our Microsoft 365 account. Drop-ins are not training sessions, PDO credit is not available, but we will do our best to assist you and / or provide you with resources.

No sign-up is required, simply show up at your convenience during the designated time slot. A Zoom link is provided on this Calendar Link for March 18th and 19th.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

New Training Sessions Begin September 8th and Updated Zoom Resources!

Updated Zoom Resources 

NEW tutorials have been added to Canvas and Zoom sections of the
Technology Training Tutorial Page

Enable Zoom in Canvas - Video
Using Zoom in Canvas - Video
Upload Zoom Recordings to Canvas Studio - Video
Using Zoom with Canvas FAQ - Guide
Taking Attendance in Zoom - Guide

Technology Training Sessions

Click calendar on right for dates and times

Canvas Intro: Faculty
Sessions Beginning: September 8 and September 21

Canvas Intro is a prerequisite for Canvas Grades, all advanced Canvas sessions, Canvas Design Clinics and TOTAL. Canvas Introduction Online provides all content on the following topics as they pertain to Reynolds: Canvas Overview, Course Navigation, Course Essentials, Assignments, Modules, Publishing & Grades and Account Settings. Online sessions are delivered asynchronously through Canvas and will be capped at 12 participants. This Canvas session is self-paced over a 4-day period and takes approximately 2.5-3.0 hours to complete. Faculty who score 80% will receive 3 hours of Professional Development credit.

Canvas Grades: Faculty
Sessions Beginning: September 15

Reynolds Policy 2-16, Course Management Requirements within the Learning Management System (LMS) states that all teaching faculty must include 'Individual course grades' in each Canvas course. Technology Training is offering Canvas Grades synchronously via Zoom. Topics include: Creation and Settings of Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes and Modules. Gradebook views, settings and analytics will also be covered. This hands-on session is approximately 2 hours in duration and will be capped at 10 participants. Participants should expect to attend via video for the full length of the session. Faculty will receive 2 hours of Professional Development credit upon completion. (Trainers return to participants Sandbox post training to assess task comprehension.)
NOTE: Canvas Intro is a prerequisite to this session 

OneDrive: Faculty & Staff
Sessions Beginning: September 16

All college employees have access to Microsoft OneDrive through our Office365 email accounts. OneDrive offers users a simple way to store, sync and share multiple file types with others, create libraries and access through multiple devices. This session will also cover the use of Office Suite in the browser environment. Explore this hands-on training session to learn more.
NOTE: You will use your email account to access OneDrive.

SharePoint 365: Faculty & Staff
Sessions Beginning: October 1

SharePoint makes the transition to cloud-based computing with SharePoint 365! This training will cover SharePoint basics for the new user, and the new operational features for the seasoned user. Learn to edit, save and share files, folders and sites. Also covered are permissions, syncing and SharePoint lists.
NOTE: You will use your email account to access SharePoint.

Video Conferencing with Zoom: Faculty & Staff
Sessions Beginning: September 8

Zoom is the dominant video conferencing source to communicate with students, faculty and staff. This training has been developed to be delivered both asynchronously and synchronously. Asynchronous Portion: Content will be available in Canvas over a 3-day period and covers Zoom Access, Meeting Controls (Participant & Host), Web Portal, Scheduling and Best Practices. This portion is self-paced, takes less than 1.5 hours to complete and is required to participate in the synchronous (live) portion of training. Synchronous Portion: Live 1 hour Zoom session: Participants must appear on video and will be asked to demonstrate knowledge obtained in previous portion of session. They will also be asked to perform certain functions by trainers. Sessions will be capped at 12 participants who will receive 3 hours of Professional Development credit.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

A new video, Designating an Alternative Host in Zoom explains the process to designate an alternative person to host the meeting if the original host is unable to attend.

This is also a suggested practice for Administrative Admins who are requested to coordinate meetings but do not actually attend the meetings.


Zoombombing’ is becoming increasingly popular and many in education have experienced the effects. Suggestions to protect Zoom meetings were covered in the last episode of the Tech Training Roundup Series (Video).

This information has also been added to the Student Tech Support Page for student use. Faculty and staff can access additional Zoom security information our Zoom Tutorial page.


Episodes from the Tech Training Roundup Series are now being archived on the Technology Training Services intranet page (shown below).