Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year! 
Technology Training Sessions
January - March 2015

Click on our Calendar to the right to register or to view session details.
Click Request Training button to request a training topic, group or individual training.

Blackboard: Basics, Advanced, Grade Center, Tests, Rubrics and Collaboration Tools. These topics, as well as several Bb Open Labs, are scheduled at both the 16 week and first 8 week sessions. 

Microsoft Office 2013: Excel Basic and Intermediate, Outlook Advanced and Word Basic. Word Intermediate, PowerPoint Basic and Intermediate will be offered later in the semester.

Adobe: Basics and Forms (including Digital Signature). Due to a limited amount of licenses, Adobe Basic is required to receive the Adobe Pro software. 

SharePoint: Basic sessions are on the calendar. Due to upcoming changes, we are unable to offer more advanced SharePoint sessions.

Camtasia: Basic and Advanced. The Advanced session now includes recording PowerPoint presentations and Closed Captioning. 

Podcasting: While Podcasting is used in Blackboard courses, this training also features Audacity which is very helpful if you're planning to attend Camtasia Advanced. 

Google Drive, Sites and Blogger: Google Drive training includes Docs and Forms and is required before attending Google Sites.