Thursday, January 18, 2018

Training Sessions & Classroom Equipment

Training Sessions
Click the calendar icon for dates, times and locations
for the following sessions.
Sign-up no later than 24 hours, prior to desired session,
using the sign-up sheets linked on the calendar

Adobe Pro DC (2.5 – 3 Hours) – Classified employee computers are currently being scheduled for the Windows 10 upgrade. While upgrade includes Adobe reader, training is required for the installation of Adobe Pro DC. This session combines Adobe Pro DC basic functions, creating, editing and securing PDF documents as well as Adobe Forms
 Audacity (1 Hour) – This audio recording application is perfect for recording voice messages for PowerPoint presentations or replacing, the now obsolete, voice board in Blackboard. This session will cover recording tips, saving and utilizing these mp4 files in multiple locations.

Blackboard Basic (1.5 Hours) – New faculty? Need to brush up on the new updates? Take advantage of these opportunities to learn the basic functions of the college learning management system that all Reynolds faculty are expected to utilize.

Google Sites (2 Hours) – Every employee, and student, of the VCCS has a Gmail account with unlimited cloud storage.  Part 1 of this session covers, creating, uploading and storing documents, presentations and multimedia in Google Drive. Part 2 includes distributing those files to your created Google Site as well as to Blackboard. This PDO is designed for both faculty and staff.

Office 365 Email (1 Hour) - If you access your Reynolds email through a browser, you are urged to attend one of these PDO's. Topics covered will be new features for email, calendar and contact. It’s worth attending just to learn to change your “reply all” default!

Snagit (1 Hour) - The NEW version of Snagit, necessary with the Windows 10 upgrade, also includes video capabilities. Training is required whether you are new to Snagit or need the new installation.

Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour) - These "overview" sessions, for the new operating systems, are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment over the coming weeks. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade.

Classroom Equipment Tutorials
Documents holders, with pertinent phone numbers and customized room equipment tutorials, were added to all (almost) classrooms on the Downtown and Parham campuses. They are in close proximity to the room's wall controls so please DO NOT REMOVE. If the holders become damaged, or the documents require updating, please contact