Monday, February 26, 2018

Audacity - Camtasia - Google Sites - Windows 10

Calendar includes dates, times, locations and sign-up links
Sign-up no later than 24 hours prior to desired session
  • Audacity (1 Hour) – This audio recording application is perfect for recording voice messages for PowerPoint presentations or replacing, the now obsolete, voice board in Blackboard. This session will cover recording tips, saving and utilizing these .mp3 files in multiple locations.
  • Camtasia NEW Version 9 (2 Hours) - This PDO will cover new, and no longer available, features of Camtasia. It will also cover the processes for project pre-production, screen capturing, audio recording, video editing and publishing video to desired formats.
    NOTE: Training is required for installation, however, Camtasia 9 cannot be installed until your computer is updated to Windows 10.
  • Google Sites (2 Hours) – Every employee, and student, of the VCCS has a Gmail account with unlimited cloud storage.
    Part 1 of this session covers, creating, uploading and storing documents, presentations and multimedia in Google Drive.
    Part 2 includes distributing those files to your created Google Site as well as to Blackboard.
    NOTE: This PDO is designed for both faculty and staff.
  • Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour) - These "overview" sessions, for the new operating systems, are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment over the coming weeks. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade.