Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Technology Training Services
wishes you a
Healthy and Happy
Holiday Season! 

2016 expects new technology with Microsoft upgrades and the Reynolds Intranet. As we all know, these changes will also bring new challenges. We will keep you informed with the latest changes and challenges as they are revealed. In the meantime, to request a training topic, group or individual training, please click on the Request Training button located under our calendar. 

To register for any of the topics below, or to see detailed information for each session, click on our calendar to the right of the page. 

Blackboard Basic:
  • Blackboard Basic will be offered prior to Adjunct Convocation January 7, 2016 1:00 – 4:00 PM at both the PRC and DTC locations
  • Two 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM sessions offered at DTC & PRC
  • Refer to our calendar for additional Blackboard Basic sessions located at these locations

Adobe Basics and Forms - (including Digital Signature). Due to a limited amount of licenses, Adobe Basic is required to receive the Adobe Pro software and prior to attending Forms

Google Drive - Google Drive training includes Docs and Forms and is required before attending Google Sites. If you are currently using Google Drive, contact

Google Sites PLEASE NOTE: With a new Windows operating system looming in the future, as well as a new CMS for the intranet, FrontPage will become obsolete. You may want to consider creating a new teaching site using a Google Site.

YouTube – With more faculty and departments using multimedia, storage becomes more problematic. Learn the steps to create your own channel for uploading and sharing your educational videos. You will learn the criteria for uploading, file size, privacy settings and closed captioning. Note: Video files will be provided as this session does not include producing video files.

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