Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Happy New Year!



  • Early Alert - Check your email from Technology Training Services for sessions
    • Thursday - January 3 (PRC)
    • Saturday - January 5  (PRC)
    • Sessions January 10 - 14 (PRC & DTC)
  • Open Labs for Blackboard and Canvas
    • January 8 -17 (PRC & DTC)
    • This are not formal trainings but rather opportunities to assist with both Learning Management Systems. No sign-up is required.
  • Office 365 Email - Adjunct Faculty are encouraged to attend one of these sessions for important information regarding your Reynolds.edu email account. Office 365 Email is accessed through a browser. However, full-time faculty and staff are also welcome to attend.

  • Windows 10 Overview - For those who have received the Windows 10 operating system after September, or if you just need a refresher, check our calendar 

Friday, October 19, 2018


The new Learning Management System (LMS) for the college is officially Canvas and will be in full swing Summer 2019! Not too worry, change is GOOD. 

Technology Training Services is conducting Canvas Introduction sessions for fall and spring semesters.
Check Calendar >>>
  • ALL faculty are urged to attend one of these technology sessions by the end of Spring 2019 semester. Day, evening and Saturday sessions are scheduled at DTC and PRC.
  • If you plan to teach with Canvas spring semester, please sign up for a session October 29 - November 16. Spring 2019 sessions will be announced before winter break.
  • These sessions will focus on the differences between Blackboard and Canvas, Canvas' features and functions, and are a pre-requisite to the "Canvas Clinics" offered by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
  • If you attend the VCCS October 24th training, you will be ready to attend the "Canvas Clinics" conducted by CETL

Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome Back Faculty!

Greetings from Technology Training Services!

With several new technologies on the horizon this year, as well as multiple changes to existing technologies, our goal is to strengthen your skills  and keep you up to date through training sessions. Please scroll though this announcement to be informed of upcoming sessions. Click our calendar for dates and times! 

August 28 - October 5

  • Blackboard Basic (1.5 Hours) – With the VCCS conversion to Canvas beginning, these Blackboard sessions will cover the Basics, Grade Center and Archiving courses.

    For additional Blackboard needs this semester, please contact TechnologyTraining@reynolds.edu

  • Office 365 Email (1 Hour) - If you access your @Reynolds.edu email through a browser, you are strongly encouraged to attend this session. Topics covered will be new features for email, calendar and contacts. It’s worth attending just to learn to change your “reply all” default!
  • Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour)These "overview" sessions are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment of the new operating system. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade.
  • Adobe Pro (2.5 Hours) – Learn the functions of Adobe Pro for creating, editing, exporting and securing PDF documents. Creating Adobe forms will also be covered. NOTE: Training is required for the installation of Adobe Pro
  • Audacity (1 Hour) – This audio recording application, included on all college computers, is perfect for recording audio for PowerPoint presentations or replacing voice boards in Blackboard. This session will cover recording tips, saving and utilizing these .mp3 files in multiple locations.
  • PowerPoint 2016 (2 Hours) – This PDO will cover the newest features of PowerPoint including design additions, office themes, improved presenter view and screen recordings (similar to those captured through Snagit). We will also be covering inserting image, audio and video files. NOTE: Audacity, the audio recording application, is scheduled prior to these session for those interested in higher quality audio files to be used in PowerPoint presentations.
  • Google Drive & Docs (2 Hours) - Google Drive is a file collaboration service provided with your VCCS email (Gmail) account. This session will cover file sharing and collaborative editing on documents, spreadsheets, presentations and forms. All faculty, staff and students have unlimited cloud storage on Google drive making it easy to store content, share files and upload to our LMS. NOTE: You must know your MyReynolds username and password prior to attend this training.
Coming: October - December

Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel
File Organization

Monday, June 11, 2018

Welcome Kevin and Summer Sessions

Welcome Kevin Pruyn Bouley,
Lead Technology Trainer,
to Reynolds Department of Technology!

Relocating to Richmond from Arlington VA, Kevin brings extensive experience in administrative, academic and IT support from his previous position at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He is proficient with both Macs and PC’s, classroom technologies, website maintenance and content management systems, online media publications and video and podcast production. Kevin’s education, vast experience with technology, and working in the higher education arena are considerable assets for Technology Training Services.   

Kevin received his bachelor’s degree from Montana State University and his master’s degree from The American University in Cairo, Egypt. Kevin’s wife Heather was accepted into a Doctoral program at VCU and they will be residing in the Forest Hill area of Richmond.

Summer Training Sessions

See calendar for dates, times, locations and sign-up links.
Sign-up no later than 24 hours prior to desired session.
  • Adobe Pro (2.5 - 3 Hours) – Learn the functions of Adobe Pro for creating, editing, exporting and securing PDF documents. Creating Adobe forms will also be covered. NOTE: Training is required for the installation of Adobe Pro.
  • Camtasia NEW Version 9 (2 Hours) - This PDO will cover new, and no longer available, features of Camtasia. It will also cover the processes for project pre-production, screen capturing, audio recording, video editing and publishing video to desired formats.

  • Facebook Settings & Security (1 Hour) - Learn your account settings and the multiple ways you can make your Facebook account more secure. This is a hands-on PDO and you will navigate your account through a web browser in a computer lab.
  • Snagit (1 Hour) - The NEW version of Snagit, necessary with the Windows 10 upgrade, also includes video capabilities. NOTE: Training is required for the installation of Snagit.
  • Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour) - These "overview" sessions, for the new operating systems, are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment over the coming weeks. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Audacity - Camtasia - Google Sites - Windows 10

Calendar includes dates, times, locations and sign-up links
Sign-up no later than 24 hours prior to desired session
  • Audacity (1 Hour) – This audio recording application is perfect for recording voice messages for PowerPoint presentations or replacing, the now obsolete, voice board in Blackboard. This session will cover recording tips, saving and utilizing these .mp3 files in multiple locations.
  • Camtasia NEW Version 9 (2 Hours) - This PDO will cover new, and no longer available, features of Camtasia. It will also cover the processes for project pre-production, screen capturing, audio recording, video editing and publishing video to desired formats.
    NOTE: Training is required for installation, however, Camtasia 9 cannot be installed until your computer is updated to Windows 10.
  • Google Sites (2 Hours) – Every employee, and student, of the VCCS has a Gmail account with unlimited cloud storage.
    Part 1 of this session covers, creating, uploading and storing documents, presentations and multimedia in Google Drive.
    Part 2 includes distributing those files to your created Google Site as well as to Blackboard.
    NOTE: This PDO is designed for both faculty and staff.
  • Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour) - These "overview" sessions, for the new operating systems, are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment over the coming weeks. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Training Sessions & Classroom Equipment

Training Sessions
Click the calendar icon for dates, times and locations
for the following sessions.
Sign-up no later than 24 hours, prior to desired session,
using the sign-up sheets linked on the calendar

Adobe Pro DC (2.5 – 3 Hours) – Classified employee computers are currently being scheduled for the Windows 10 upgrade. While upgrade includes Adobe reader, training is required for the installation of Adobe Pro DC. This session combines Adobe Pro DC basic functions, creating, editing and securing PDF documents as well as Adobe Forms
 Audacity (1 Hour) – This audio recording application is perfect for recording voice messages for PowerPoint presentations or replacing, the now obsolete, voice board in Blackboard. This session will cover recording tips, saving and utilizing these mp4 files in multiple locations.

Blackboard Basic (1.5 Hours) – New faculty? Need to brush up on the new updates? Take advantage of these opportunities to learn the basic functions of the college learning management system that all Reynolds faculty are expected to utilize.

Google Sites (2 Hours) – Every employee, and student, of the VCCS has a Gmail account with unlimited cloud storage.  Part 1 of this session covers, creating, uploading and storing documents, presentations and multimedia in Google Drive. Part 2 includes distributing those files to your created Google Site as well as to Blackboard. This PDO is designed for both faculty and staff.

Office 365 Email (1 Hour) - If you access your Reynolds email through a browser, you are urged to attend one of these PDO's. Topics covered will be new features for email, calendar and contact. It’s worth attending just to learn to change your “reply all” default!

Snagit (1 Hour) - The NEW version of Snagit, necessary with the Windows 10 upgrade, also includes video capabilities. Training is required whether you are new to Snagit or need the new installation.

Windows 10 / Office 2016 (1 Hour) - These "overview" sessions, for the new operating systems, are scheduled to accommodate Administrative Computing's deployment over the coming weeks. Observe the dates on the calendar and attend one of these sessions shortly before or shortly after your upgrade.

Classroom Equipment Tutorials
Documents holders, with pertinent phone numbers and customized room equipment tutorials, were added to all (almost) classrooms on the Downtown and Parham campuses. They are in close proximity to the room's wall controls so please DO NOT REMOVE. If the holders become damaged, or the documents require updating, please contact TechnololgyTraining@reynolds.edu.