Friday, October 19, 2018


The new Learning Management System (LMS) for the college is officially Canvas and will be in full swing Summer 2019! Not too worry, change is GOOD. 

Technology Training Services is conducting Canvas Introduction sessions for fall and spring semesters.
Check Calendar >>>
  • ALL faculty are urged to attend one of these technology sessions by the end of Spring 2019 semester. Day, evening and Saturday sessions are scheduled at DTC and PRC.
  • If you plan to teach with Canvas spring semester, please sign up for a session October 29 - November 16. Spring 2019 sessions will be announced before winter break.
  • These sessions will focus on the differences between Blackboard and Canvas, Canvas' features and functions, and are a pre-requisite to the "Canvas Clinics" offered by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
  • If you attend the VCCS October 24th training, you will be ready to attend the "Canvas Clinics" conducted by CETL

1 comment:

Jones Morris said...

This was a really great contest and hopefully I can attend the next one. It was alot of fun and I really enjoyed myself.. Salesforce Consulting Company